Do You Know For Certain If Your Marketing Is Getting You New Patients?

Hey, friend!

When it comes to Marketing, most Clinic Owners who decide not to do marketing use these exact excuses:

πŸ‘‰It won't work for my clinic

πŸ‘‰It's too techy

πŸ‘‰I don't know how it works so Im not going to bother

πŸ‘‰It's going to cost too much money

This is a mistake because Marketing allows you to laser target your ideal patient. The type of profitable patient you want coming into your clinic.

It also gives you the ability to..

Fill your diary with these ideal profitable patients AND you can do so on tap.

Instead, what Clinic Owners should do is marketing to use Marketing to maximise their business to it's full potential.

The result of Marketing is that you will now have a marketing funnel that you can turn up and down as you need more patients.

Imagine knowing that if you are coming to "a quiet time" in your clinic that you can go to this marketing funnel to deliver new patients to you, to have the ability to have a full diary all year round.

Lorcan O'Donaile


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